Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yearbook Bandwagon

Jumping onto the bandwagon with Molly&Kat, I decided that my yearbook photos were pretty awesome and needed to be posted.

I don't know about you all but I think I look pretty cute in 1976.



Lump said...

ha! this is hilarious!

CONNIE said...

That's too coll. I wanna play too!

I'm glad you're back to Rhody!

Teachinfourth said...

You do look good for your age!

sj said...

you and kathy have *way* too much fun with the photoshop

Anonymous said...

Love that helmet hair with the first one!

Badass Geek said...

Just how did you manage to keep the same expression on your face for all those years?

Meg said...

I'm just amazing thats how. Too bad in real life I was actually only alive for one of these years.

Michelle said...

Hah, those are funny. Thanks for stopping by my blog, yours rocks!

Liz Harrell said...

I actually LIKE the 76 one! :)

FarmGirl said...

Welcome to SITS!! Love these photos....I try to forget that I actually used to wear my hair like that. I've tried to hide these photos from my daughter, but my hubby was so sweet and showed them to her! So much for being a "cool" mom! haha

Bee said...

I agree with Liz. I like the 1976 one too. I really do. It's cute.