Thursday, August 7, 2008

Date Night&Search It Up

Last night, me and Adam, somehow managed to slip away for a date night. I really needed some alone time. I actually need alone time just with myself but I will take what I can get. Alone time with Adam means riding in the truck. Its a two seater truck so that means little man can't ride in it. I use to think the truck was useless if we ALL couldn't use it. Now when I get in the truck I feel so happy and relaxed. I know that I won't have anyone screaming "NO" and trying to pull my hair behind me. I love truck time.

On our little date we made a stop at Cold Stone Creamery for some delicious ice cream. I had a little Cookie Doughn't You Want Some. I love cookie dough. I don't ever switch up my ice creams. After ice cream we made our way to the movies. We saw Pineapple Express. The theater was full of high schoolers and at first I felt out of place but then Adam reminded me that we could smoke all those kids under the table. We aren't stoners, by the way. Our bowls are collecting dust in the back of a closet somewhere. Anyway, it was a funny movie! I laughed through the whole thing. Awesome. Seth Rogen is hilarious. I love all of his movies.

In other news, I leave in 4 days to go visit my mom in KY/TN. She lives in Fort Knox, KY right now. That is near Louisville, Ky. We haven't ventured out much when we visit her so we have no clue what to do for a week with 2 kids. If anyone has ever been there or around and has ideas on what to do? Maybe if you are bored and want to google? We are going to have 2 kiddo's with us(little man(1) and my neice(3)). I think I have TN part covered considering I'm from there.


Megan said...

Yay for date nights! My brother used to live in Louisville KY--but I am not sure what there is to do there! So I pretty much just threw a random, useless fact out there for you. Have fun visiting your mom!

Anonymous said...

I have no clue what to do in Kentucky - eat fried chicken? Sorry, it's the lamest thing ever but I have never been there, so I don't know!

Anonymous said...

I was born at Ft. Knox! We lived there again when I was 9-10 years old. I thought it was great because two towns over is Elizabethtown which was clearly named for me. The nickname for it is E-town, which to this day my dad still calls me sometimes.

Lump said...

Cookie Dough ice cream is my FAVORITE. I never switch up my ice cream either. ;) and definitely going to go see Pineapple Express only because I have a nerd crush on Seth Rogen. LOVE HIM!

hope you have a fun and safe trip!

Bee said...

I didn't know you were from TN. What part? I'm from GA and spent a lot of time in TN growing up.