Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Park Dilemma

The big kid in me loves going to the park with Gage. We slide together, climb together, run and swing together. We have a lot of fun with it just being me and him there. We usually go to a park where there is never anyone there. Its a really good park. I don't know why people don't go but that is fine with me. Then I start feeling bad because Gage loves interacting with other kiddos and he needs to do that.

So, on occassion I will take Gage to the more crowded park that is just down the road. Gage has a shy side just like his mama. When we first get to the more crowded park he sticks by me and wants to me slide, run, and swing. Not a problem except I feel like I'm being stared at by all the other parents who aren't exactly playing with their kid(s). They all kind of stand back and watch their kid(s) play. There is nothing wrong with that but Gage is a little shy so I'm usually playing with him instead of standing around.

Finally, the little man warms up to the other kids at the park and starts to play with them. Now I don't know what is worse everyone watching my fatt butt go down a slide or standing there awkwardly with nothing to do and no one to talk with. I was always told the best place to meet other moms is at the park. That would be awesome because I lack friends here in the Ocean State but I found out really quick that its just not that easy. Most moms go to the park with other moms for a playdate aka moms social hour. Unless I'm actually invited into the convo then I'm not just going to butt in. There are a few moms who are there by themselves with their kid(s). I think I lack basic social skills because it feels so strained but its something we all feel obligated to do. Thankfully, those conversations never last long because kids aren't able to play in one spot for long. Of course, then I'm left standing awkwardly in a new spot.

I feel like I can't win when it comes to playing at a park.


Anonymous said...

Other park parents can be so weird. I would totally talk to you if I was there. But then you might think I was a weird stranger and back away from me!

Teachinfourth said...

You don't really strike me as the 'stranger danger' type; however, I've been wrong before.

All joking aside, if you took a book with that "Twilight" everybody seems to be talking about, I am pretty sure some other mom would notice it and strike up a conversation about it...

...that or the Satanic Bible. It would really depend on the type of person you want to draw to you I guess.

Badass Geek said...

I'm socially awkward, too.

You're not alone in that respect.

Angie said...

I feel the same way! It really is awkward to approach other parents.

MereinSC said...

I think I would feel very awkward also. I'm definitely not one to go up to someone I don't know and strike up a convo.

I'm sure Gage loves the fact that his momma is willing to go down the slide with him!

Michelle said...

I despise park time because of this very reason. I never feel comfortable there unless my sister tags along or I go with HUBS! Sometimes conversation just flows more easily for some - not me!

Anonymous said...

HAHA I would be like you and keep to myself unless spoken to.

Anonymous said...

I totally relate to this. To add to it all, I'm short and paranoid. So I stick to my son like glue at the playground, otherwise I can't see him. And he's 2 - young enough that he's totally not okay to just rough it on his own without mommy supervision (at least in my opinion - but really in today's society, what age IS that okay) and yeah I definitely feel a little weird when other parents aren't the same way.

So I also prefer the less crowded playgrounds. And have never made a friend at the playground. And to be honest, don't take my son as much as I should. I wait for weekends when daddy is home and hope he'll go with me.

In other news, hello Swap Buddy!

rthling said...

Even as out going as I am, I find it hard to butt in, too.
Thanks for stopping by. Come back anytime!

Whitney said...

Let's see some pictures of Gage!

Megan said...

I love that you play with him!! That is fun :0) That is one of the main reasons I want to start having kids in about 2 years so that I have enough energy to chase them around. A good amount of my friends parents had them in their late 30s early 40s and didn't seem to have as much fun as I did :0)