Thursday, August 28, 2008

Backwards Compliment

Its always really nice when someone pays you a compliment. I'm sure that is something we all need and don't get much of. Atleast...I don't get that many. However, I think there is something worse than receiving no compliments at all. I think the worst is getting a backwards compliment. You know something like, "Those shoes are cute! They are a lot cuter than the ones you usually wear!". Those kind of compliments leave you standing there absolutely speechless. You are left wondering if you were just complimented or insulted.

I was given a backwards compliment at work last weekend. I've gotten to know a coworkers daughter pretty well since we started working there. Me and The Mom started on the same day almost 2 years ago. The daughter told her mom not to tell me what she said. I kind of wished she didn't tell me now because I am left wondering. She said:

"Most people get uglier over the years but Meg is the opposite she got prettier."

So all I could think of in my head was WTF? I couldn't decide if she was saying I was ugly(or atleast not that attractive)or if I was pretty and instead of getting ugly I got even more pretty. I like the latter better but why would she not want her mom to tell me? I don't think it would be embarrassing for her because people like hearing other people compliment them. That leads me to believe it was a backwards compliment and that just sucks.

By the way, I am not fishing for compliments. To be quite honest with you all I happen to think I'm smokin' hot.


Teachinfourth said...

I guess it's better than, "Hey, Meg wasn't so great to begin with and now she's gotten even worse."

I don't know, from the photos you've posted, it doesn't seem like you've got the monopoly on ugly...and you did post all of those photos of yourself from the sixties and so on...

You've still got it, baby...

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

That would frustrate me, too. It is all this reading between the lines stuff. Just say what you mean and be nice about it, right?

Also... don't you hate when people are like: "I can't say that I hate when you are XXXXXX, because that would just make you mad." OK, what makes me mad is that you just said what you said you couldn't say without approaching me directly about it, leaving no room for anything but an argument.

There is a name for this. I learned it in a Latin class, but promptly made myself forget it. People in ancient Rome used it in speeches. Well, this isn't ancient Rome, right? (This sounds a little heated, because it just happened an hour ago--see my recent post and you'll understand!)

Badass Geek said...

You're amazingly humble, too!

Anonymous said...

That's funny, my MIL compliments like that... and it's weird cause you never know if she meant to be nice or not... or maybe meant to be nice but didn't know she failed. haha.

oh well, at least you have good self esteem - that's a rarity in today's society.

sj said...

backwards compliments totally annoy me, and i get them all the time.

the biggest one lately is "wow - you've lost *a lot* of weight." and i did lose about 20 pounds over the course of 4 months, and have since, mind you, put on 5 of them back. but. come on now. i wasn't such a fatty before!

they burn me. and yes. you are a hottie.
and it seems like you really touched on a sensitive subject for many!

Anonymous said...

That just happened to me the other day!

Background of the story - I usually wear my hair a certain way but one day I thought I would be daring and war it another.

So I come into work w/ my hair flipped out instead of the normal flipped under and a co-worker says, "I really like your hair that way, better than the other way you wear it".

I didn't know whether to say thanks or me upset considering I have worn my hair the way she doesn't like for 4 months!

Some people!

Anonymous said...

I work with a bunch of people who refuse to compliment on anything, backwards or any way! It is almost like you can see them checking you out when you have had your hair cut or wear something new, but they grit their teeth and refuse to say a word!

Michelle said...

You are so funny :)

enthalpymama said...

One of my favorite things to say is "I'll take that as a compliment." I say it a lot. People will say "Your kids seem well behaved" (In their mind, they are wondering if bribed them). Its okay. I think some people feel awkward giving compliments, and then others just say things without thinking, just as part of conversation. I actually had an acquantaince of mine tell me that I looked great, like I had lost a lot of weight, when I was about 10 weeks pregnant with my third child. She didn't know I was pregnant. It was not good, but slightly better than my aunt who, when she found out I was pregnant with my first said "Oh, I was thinking you looked a little chubby." Who says THAT??

enthalpymama said...

I forgot about the BEST compliment I ever received while pregnant. It was my 5-yr-old neice. "Look, she doesn't even look pregnant when she turns around! Do it again. Now she's pregnant, now she's not! How funny!!" If I die rich, she will have a grand inheritance.

CONNIE said...

I was checking who's who in RI bloggers one day when I came across your blog. First thing I noticed was: "she's young, looks cool with those sunglasses and what a gorgeous hair". You are one smokin' gal, Meg!

Have a lovely day!

Unknown said...

i'm so glad you like your swap buddy! it was SO hard pairing everyone up. but sadly, no i don't get to participate :( we had an even number enter, so i'm the odd man out :( hopefully someone else will host a swap sometime, and i can be in that one!

Whitney said...

This is hilarious. I'm so with you. I HATE that.

Tânia Pinto said...

Yeah... why say such thing? better keep their mouth shut... That ain't nice to say... And as for the compliment thing, you know, i think people don't know how to give one.. A lot of times I think of one to say but then end up saying nothing......

P.S.- The book on my blog is sooooooo cool... really easy do follow directions and super cute monsters! Thank you so much for your comment :) I'll be stoping here more often if you don't mind :)**

Megan said...

I think youre hot! haha

Megan said...

Mind you the "haha" part of my comment was supposed to be lighthearted and show that I'm not a lesbo. Does the "haha" make mine a backwards copliement? Oh i hope not ;)

Emily said...

What a funny complement?! Of course, I think I look a hint of better now than I did about 10 years ago, but that's because I lost the baby cheeks. ;)

Heather said...

Actually I was thinking something similar about some of my cousins at our reunion, how even though they are at least 10 years older since the last time I saw a couple of them, they looked really great, including one I had always thought was kinda homely. I didn't say it out loud though.

Bee said...

Aahh. Don't take it as a backwards compliment. People tell me this all the time, even my husband. I like to pretend I'm like a bottle of wine. I just get better with age!

I am going to repost the blog award. I can't figure out how to copy the image:( I'm working on it though.

Thanks for passing it to me:)

Lump said...

ooooh yeah those compliments always leave me questioning them... like was that really supposed to be nice?

and yep, you are a MILF! :)