Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Haircut

After pressure from Adam and random strangers calling Gage a girl I decided it was time for the first haircut. Since my mom lives so far away I thought it would be nice for her to be there for one of Gages 'first'. She was ecstatic, of course. I wish I felt the same way but I didn't. Gage had beautiful blonde curls. I absolutely adored them and I didn't want to cut them EVER.

I think the reason I was not thrilled with cutting them because when I was his age I had wicked curly hair, too. My brother being 4 years older than me was fascinated with scissors. He decided I needed MY first haircut. After it was all said and done I had no curls to speak of and they never grew back. I just have wavy-pain-in-the-ass hair that I have to straighten everyday. Anyway, I was obviously traumatized by this event even if I can't exactly remember it.

All week on my trip my mom kept asking me when we could get Gage's haircut. Adam said he would kick my ass if I came back without giving Gage a haircut and my mom couldn't wait any longer. I managed to hold her off until Sunday. We walked into the little salon and I wanted to scoop my baby up and run away. The lady cutting his hair was awesome and after a lot of questions I was reassured she wasn't going to butcher his hair. Gage sat all by himself in a little booster seat with a tiny apron thing over him. He looked so cute. I can't believe how amazingly well he did. He just sat there and you can tell he was fully relaxed and loving being groomed.

Watch the video.

The good news is that almost instantly all the hair on his head popped into curls just like before.


Anonymous said...

So cute!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks so angelic! My cousin had hair just like that when he was the same age, I used to love it!

My ex was the opposite with our son's hair - he didn't want me to get it cut at all, even though it looked very moppish, but his was slightly curly and then they disappeared after the first cut and 3 years later, I still have to hear about it!

Megan said...

TOO cute! I love his face during the cut.

Angie said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe he sat there and didn't make a peep! I wish my two would cooperate that well!

Bee said...

Awww. Priceless.

Lump said...

It took my close friend forever to cut her son's hair. She loved his curls!

Gage is ADORABLE. Such beautiful blonde hair!

Jill said...

Oh he is too cute!

Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Nice to meet you.
