Monday, September 8, 2008

Stroppin' Away

"A plodder at twelve months will be walking a little, their first word will be yes, and their favorite toy is a teddy bear. A stropper will be running, their first word will be no, and their favorite toys will include your hair, the contents of your handbag, and the telephone - but only when you are talking on it."
-The Only Boy For Me, page 65

To be honest I was expecting Gage to be a nightmare when he was born. He wasn't. He was the easiest laid back baby I had ever seen. We could go to restaurants and out shopping with him. I felt really blessed and everyone kept telling me how lucky I was. I thought Gage was going be a "plodder" kind of kid. Then all of the sudden my baby turned into a "Stropper" practically overnight. The word 'no' magically appeared into his vocabulary and has been holding strong ever since. His favorite game is 'boom' in which he punches me with his tiny little fists. If I don't play along he pulls my hair really hard. I have Adam to thank for inventing that lovely game. He doesn't have long hair so I am training Gage to pull on his leg hairs which hurt just as bad I would imagine. He steals the phone and hides it. He goes to it when we are busy cooking or cleaning and dials random digits. Gage has already called 911 on it. I have a feeling he is the one who took my wallet and hid on me. If he can get into something he will. If he can't find anything to destroy he will throw himself on the ground and bang his head and feet. He can throw an awesome trantrum for being so little.

I really don't mind to tell you the truth. Life won't be boring with my "stropper". It makes me laugh(minus the hair-pulling). I don't think I would want it any other way. I love my stropper.

Bring it on.


Unknown said...

sounds like a fun, cute, adorable challange! ahhh, the joys of parenthood i look forward to experiencing someday :)

Angie said...

It is amazing how their little personalities change over time isn't it? I had to laugh at Adam teaching Gage the punching game. My husband taught Bekah to headbutt him (in fun) and she's cracked me in the nose more than once with her hard little head since then. Thanks a lot for that, honey!

Rachel said...

awww the joys of parenthood...gotta love it...

Michelle said...

Landon was an easy going, laid back baby! Once he turned a year - he turned crazy and our house was always chaotic but now he's chilled out a bit. I think it goes in cycles.

It's really never a dull moment with kids, especially little boys. They are so full of adventure.

Megan said...

Oh yes, definitely teach him how to pull the leg hair, that's a good one! I like the new look of your blog!

Bee said...

Oh, the good ol toddler days. Trust me. They are so much sweeter at Gage's age than my kids' ages. Enjoy it while it lasts. It's great to see you have the right perspective.

Susan said...

Based on that description, seems as if I have a 14 month stropper, as well. It is what it is, right?

Visiting from SITS, by the way.