Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mother is God

I use to be a big fan of scary movies. The scarier the better was how I rolled. I don't know what has changed over the years but I cannot watch a scary movie by myself anymore. The other night we crawled into bed to watch the movie Silent Hill. Its a movie based on a video game. We were like 30 minutes into the movie and right when it was finally getting scary I noticed Adam rolling over on his side. I begged and pleaded for him to stay awake. He passed out like 5 minutes later. Damn him.

There I was lying awake in bed while my boys slept. The windows were open and people were being chased, burned, and dying on my television set. The off button on the remote teased me. My fingers couldn't bare to reach out and touch the remote. I didn't want to move out from under the blanket. Finally, it got to the point where I was so scared I was crying my eyes out. I kept telling myself that it was just a movie. It was far fetched and nothing could ever happen like that in real life. Still I was scared. I managed to calm myself down some but just then out of nowhere...

...my phone rang.
Man, did it ever scare me.

But I'm glad it did ring because in the movie the phones were broken and didn't get service. So I knew I was safe lying in between my boys under my warm blanket.


Anonymous said...

I cannot watch a scary movie at all. I force myself to watch Paranormal State each week and it scares the crap out of me! I remember watching A Nightmare on Elm Street when I was 16 (at the movies, so that shows you how old the original really is!) and having nightmares for three months after. And when I was married we went to see Resident Evil and I had no idea what it was about as I didn't play video games, and I just can't do zombies and I actually cried!

Meg said...

I know you don't plan on it but don't see Silent Hill because it has a lot of zombie like creatures.

Anonymous said...

I will not watch it. Ever!

Anonymous said...

Yeah scary movies are a no go for me - basically if anyone's child or parent dies, I probably shouldn't be watching it - and correct me if I'm wrong but I think that means any death at all is taboo... So how do I watch medical dramas and forensic dramas on tv? Somehow they pass but movies are very very different. Ditto with books.

Rachel said...

Lol -- I laugh but I'm the same way. I can NOT watch a scary movie by myself. And even if I'm with someone else, I'm imagining things happening in my home for weeks!

Unknown said...

oh that sounds all too familiar. i am SUCH a scary movie wuss. i can't watch them...at all. i even get scared watching CSI late at night when i'm by myself!!! good thing i have the complete series of friends... :)

Lump said...

I LOVE Scary Movies. The feeling of being scared is a great high! :)

Tânia Pinto said...

I've been into scary movies... When I was about 12 my cousin made watch "the exorcist" and that was it... I couldn't sleep alone for months! It was pretty bad... so now only Lion King for me! lol

MereinSC said...

oh dear! i love scary movies also but i can't watch them at night by myself... too freaky!!

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

I am a big baby, I can't watch scary stuff. It totally freaks me out. Oh and if that had been me and the phone rang? I would have had to change my pants!

Me said...

I can't watch scary movies anymore either. I used to love them when I was younger, but since I had my daughter I am a big scaredy cat - hormones lol? Who knows?

Happy Valley Mom said...

I cannot watch scary movies! When I was in high school I could only see them at the Drive in with a car load of people. Oh no, I think I just dated myself. When is the last time anyone was at a drive in?

Meg said...

There is 1 drive in left where I live. Its so fun to go to.

Bee said...

The way I look at it is life is scary enough just the way it is. Plus, my imagination is so active, I don't need anything artificial stirring it up.

Teachinfourth said...

And you lived to tell the tale!

Jenny said...

You're brave. I would have turned it off. I can handle Freddy Kruger but today's scary movies...they seem so real. I watched the Shining in college and I still have nightmares about it.

CONNIE said...

Joe just recently discovered a new channel "CHILLER" where he's been recording FRIDAY the 13th series and HE MAKES me watch them. I always make excuses not to watch them. The older I get, the wimper I'd become!