Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Case Of The Missing Shoe

Lost/Stolen Croc
Reward if found.

Yesterday I was out shopping for a dress to wear to a wedding. On the third store, 10 dresses later, and a cranky Gage I was ready to call it quits. I looked down to tell Gage that we are finally going home and what do I find? A shoe has gone missing from his tiny footsie. Naturally, when something goes missing you start looking everywhere for it. I even got on my hands and knees and was crawling underneath all the racks we visited while there. I'm sure everyone there thought I was crazy. I was talking out loud about the lost shoe. I muttered under my breath 'theives' as I walked away from the dress aisle. I went up to the service desk and told them we lost a shoe. I explained that its his favorite shoe and he will miss it so much if its not found. They said they would page me over the intercom if someone turned it in. While I was waiting I decided to try on 4 more freakin' dresses. When I was done there was still no shoe.

I KNOW 100% without a doubt that Gage went in that store with BOTH shoes on. That only leaves me to believe that someone stole his tiny size 5 shoe. Why? I don't know. I don't understand. You need the left one. What good is one shoe? The left gets lonely without the right and the right feels the same way. His Winnie The Pooh jibbit needs to stare at the guitar jibbit on the other shoe. Its just the way it is. I'm so devastated by this. I'm not crazy...or atleast I'm not crazy alone because Adam feels the same way. Those shoes are pretty much the only shoe Gage has worn ALL summer. They slip right on and out the door we go. I'm going to call the store back today(and the other two just in case but I know it isn't there) to see if it might have turned up.

Hopefully, the shoe will turn up. If not thank goodness summer is almost over and its almost time to move on to another warmer pair of shoes.

Btw, I did finally find a dress. Its beautiful. I'm in love with it. I would marry it if I could.


Bee said...

Post pictures of the dress!

Whitney said...

Let's see this dress!!!

Weeksie50 said...

That stinks! I hope you guys find the shoe! I hate losing stuff. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

That used to happen to Ned all the time but usually someone would witness it and be kind enough to hand it back to me! I hope it turns up.

At least you got a dress you like though!

@TiffanyRom said...

How does that happen. Ugh. Totally frustrating. Well, at least you found a dress, right?

Tânia Pinto said...

I wonder if all the kiddies around the world wear crocs... My kid's orange crocs were only thing on his feet this summer, too! and most of the kids I see have theirs too... I have two pais... oh gosh...

That dress must be really something... Aren't you gonna show it to us? :P

JESSICA said...

We are always losing shoes...thankfully they turn up eventually.

I do have a widget to drop a card, it's just down a little ways...maybe I should move it up :)

Thanks for the post!

Michelle said...

My son LOVES his Crocs too!! I hope you find it.

Yes, let's see the dress. Dress, Dress, Dress (in a chanting tone).

ModernMommy said...

Our kids must be the same age b/c Eva does this all the time (loses her shoes in the store). She loves to take her shoes off the crazy girl! She is 18 months, how old is yours?

Unknown said...

oh man! I hate when a shoe goes missing or in the case possibly stolen! My youngest daughter lost her croc at the fair! I have the slightest idea where it could be- Oh well I guess it is time to retire the sandals anyways- fall/winter is coming :(

Rachel said...

OMG I think it's the crocs? my son too lost one of his crocs spending the night at his friends house. I pick him and he comes out of the house hopping on one foot; I say where is your croc; I can't find it; what do you means you can't find it? He proceeds to tell me his friends room is so messy that he now appreciates our clean house; end result we still have one croc...good luck...I hope they find it...they are the best slip right on and off you go...if you have both of them LOL