Thursday, September 18, 2008


I decided to do Mama Kats workshop this week. I picked question #3 which is; Do you have reoccurring dreams? What are they about?

I picked that question because I think I have always been fascinated with dreams and their meanings. I remember when I was younger I use to own a dream journal and a book that told you about your dreams. I'm not really that into it now but I still think dreams are interesting.I actually have very distinct reoccurring dreams. I can only think of two different dreams that stick out as reoccuring, though. It might have to do with the fact that they scare the living GFzzD47!! out of me.

The first reoccuring dream that I have had was when I was about 18. I had just married The Asshole and we moved into a house that we were going to buy. That was until my dream started. It would start out just like a normal night would. We would go to bed. We would both fall asleep. Then something in the middle of the night wakes me up. Being the scardy cat I am(even in my dreams!) I just stayed in bed with my eyes peaking over top the blanket. Then all of a sudden I can see a shadow of a man on the wall in the hallway.He is slowly creeping down my hallway. I reach over to try and wake The Asshole up but he just wouldn't wake up. Finally, the creeping man reaches our room and....

I don't know how the dream ever ended. At this point I would wake up screaming bloody murder and crying. This dream happened over and over again for about a month. I begged and pleaded not to buy that house and we didn't. We moved to a new place. The dream stopped when we moved. Freaky, huh?

My next reoccuring dreaming is actually a little more recent. In fact it just happened last night. I keep having a dream about Gage sleeping in bed with us. Its not a peaceful awww dream. Its really scary. Its so scary that when Gage ACTUALLY does sleep in the bed with us I toss and turn all night. It starts out very real just like my other dream. We are all in bed. Adam, Gage and then me hanging on to the edge. We fall asleep. Yeah, I'm so boring we fall asleep in my dream. The next thing that I know I wake up and try to snuggle with Gage but instead I find that his legs are wiggy and wobbly. They have been broken. We broke Gage's legs. His arms are broken as well.

Then I usually wake up. The first thing I do is make sure Gage is fine. Sometimes I find his arms before his legs and I get really scared because you know arms are wiggly and wobbly.

I had that dream last night and right now I'm like a zombie walking around. I can't wait until naptime.


T said...

I am a firmly believer in intuition and man that first dream is scary!! What a huge thing for you to feel so stongly about it that you didn't buy the house! I bet it was the best thing you could have done! Wow....

Badass Geek said...

I had a recurring dream about having a brain tumor. The scary thing is, it could be true.

Anonymous said...

those are pretty scary dreams - I have a few reoccurring dreams, usually very standard "back at last stage of my life, struggling to find my way around dreams" i.e. if I'm in college, I dream about high school, then after I graduated college it transitioned to back at college, late for class, etc. Very boring I know. :P

My other bad dreams usually involve something bad happening to my son or husband, pretty typical.

Unknown said...

wow. that is really freaky. i have lots of vivid dreams that i can remember the day after, but then i can't remember them again. dreams are really weird. i hear you have nightmares when you're pregnant. definitley not looking forward to that.

i sent your swap package in the mail today! hope i cushioned it enough in the package...:)

Unknown said...

Oh my...that would scare me!!!

Weeksie50 said...

Oh, both of those dreams are scary. I usually don't remember my dreams...Here's wishing you a night full of happy dreams..

Megan said...

Those are crazy dreams. There has been one dream that I have every once in a while and have had since I was a's warewolves on unicycles. Sounds crazy I know. But it's scary as all!

Anonymous said...

I have insanely weird dreams that are never the same and it is all the fault of my anti depressants, but I need them so have to suffer the dreams!

The best dream I ever had was kissing David Duchovny....!

sj said...

that is freaky scary. i've had similar dreams where i think i'm awake and there's a dude watching me.

scary that it stopped happening, though when you moved! really.

Angie said...

I don't mean to laugh but that was a little funny, well, some parts were. Ok, the Asshole part was funny. The creepy shadow guy was not funny.


KatBouska said...

Yep I agree with Tabi...their was something up with that house!!

Rachel said...

Wow I would be scared you remember how his legs and arms get wobbly...I have no clue of this meaning...stumped...but you did the same as me go and check :)